Motherhood | Beauty | Lifestyle

Thursday 25 October 2018


Hello everyone!

Some of you might remember me from my previous blog Beauteur and others will have forgotten all about me - that's fine. I am a new woman anyway.

A lot has happened since my make up blogging days; we bought a house, got married and... *drum roll* had a baby!
As you can imagine life is not quite the same as it used to be three or four years ago and my priorities...well, let's say they have changed. I used to spend hours shopping in the beauty section at Debenhams, now I spend a whole ten minutes in the baby food aisle at Asda. I still like buying clothes, but for my little one - not for me.

Anyway, so I have been craving going back to blogging from the moment I found out we were expecting and it has taken me nearly a year to get my shit together to actually do something about it. But never mind, I am here, excited and committed!

Obviously this blog is going to be slightly different to Beauteur - there will still be some make up related blogs (I am still obsessed with foundations) but it will be mostly lifestyle and motherhood posts.

I won't ramble much more, I just wanted to say hello to everyone who might be reading and I look forward to get back to the blogging world!
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